Examination Cell

The Examination pattern for the Undergraduate BSc (Hons) Agriculture includes:

Mid Semester Examination

The mid-semester examination is a pre-requisite for writing the final theory and practical exam. The exams are conducted during regular class hours. Students failing to write the mid-semester exam, will not be permitted to attend the classes further in the course and will be awarded an ‘E’ grade.

Theory Examination

The final theory examination is conducted after the working days of the semester. The Dean and Controller of Examinations approve the examination schedule for the mid-semester and final examinations. 80% attendance is mandatory for writing the final theory examination for each subject of a semester.

Practical Examination

The final practical examination is conducted during the last practical class of the respective course for two and a half hours. The marks for the practical will be based on the student’s performance as evaluated by the course teacher and external examiners and approved by the Controller of Examinations. The assessment is made by the external examiner for the Reappearance / Improvement examination too. The marks awarded in the previous exam for record and assignment, if valued, will be carried over for computing the grade in the Reappearance / Improvement Examination.

Evaluation of Course Work (Grading System)

The results of the course are indicated by grade points ranging from 0 to 10. Grade point is the total marks in percentage divided by 10, rounded off to two decimals.

Under Graduate

The minimum grade point of 6.00 has to be secured for the successful completion of a course. Securing a grade point less than 6.00 in a course will be treated as ‘F’ and the grade point will be zero for calculating the GPA/OGPA. An Overall Grade Point Average [OGPA] of 6.50 shall be the minimum requirement for the award of Degree for Under Graduate programmes.

Symbols in use

E – Incomplete [Lack of 80% Attendance]
F – Fail
RR – Re-Registration
IE – Improvement Examination
EE – Incomplete for Reasons other than Attendance
RE – Re-Examination


If a student wishes to appeal to higher authorities for revaluation, it should be done in writing in the prescribed format to the Controller of Examinations through the Dean’s concerned not later than 10 working days after the announcement of the marks of that particular examination. Appeals received thereafter will be rejected. The fee for revaluation is Rs.1000 /- per subject to be paid to the Controller of Examinations. Revaluation is not permissible normally for practical examinations.

Late comer in Examinations

Students who are late by more than 30 minutes shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Similarly no student will be allowed to leave the examination hall within 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination.

Malpractices in Examination and Conduct of Students

The Principal of the college is responsible for dealing all cases of unfair means in writing records, assignments and examinations. The invigilator or the course teacher concerned shall report to the Dean on the day of the occurrence of each case of unfair means with full details of the evidence and written explanation of the student involved.

The Deans/Principals shall take appropriate action immediately on receipt of the report and the punishment may be as indicated below:

  1. Students found using unfair means during the mid-semester examination may be debarred from the college for the remaining period of semester and deemed to have failed in all the courses during the semester.
  2. Students found using unfair means during the final theory / practical examination may be deemed to have failed in all the courses in that semester and also debarred from the college for the next semester.
  3. Students found using unfair means during the final theory / practical examination may be deemed to have failed in all the courses in that semester and also debarred from the college for the next semester.
  4. For using unfair means of a serious nature [which will be decided by the committee nominated by the Deans concerned] warranting higher penalties than those indicated in clauses [a] and [b] of UG Rules 12.3 (2012), the student may be debarred from the University for a period of two semesters or more or permanently with the approval from the Vice-Chancellor. In such cases, the students concerned shall not be allowed to sit for the remaining examinations in the concerned course or other courses.
  5. Details of each case together with all material evidence and recommendations of the Dean shall be communicated forthwith to the Registrar of the University. The Dean shall issue necessary orders and report each case falling under clauses [a], [b] and [c] of UG Rules 12.3(2012) to the Registrar immediately.
  6. Students found using unfair means during the supplementary/ reappearance examination [theory and practical] may be deemed to have failed in all the courses registered in that semester and all the supplementary/ reappearance examinations registered and debarred from registering the subsequent supplementary/ reappearance examination also.

The Examination pattern for the Diploma in Agriculture/Horticulture includes:


The system of education is “Semester Course Credit System”. An enrolled student in order to earn a diploma should complete the course credits prescribed from time to time and should have earned a minimum Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) of 6.50 out of 10.00.


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