Ph. D., in Agrl. Entomology - Integrated Pest Management Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore - 641 003. 2015
M.Sc., (Agri) - Agrl. Entomology Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College Of Agriculture And Research Institute, Karaikal- 609 603.
B. Sc., Agriculture Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College Of Agriculture And Research Institute, - 609 603
Adminstrative Experience
A Cumulative Experience of 5 Years and 6 Months.
Vice Principal (Current)MIT College of Agriculture and Technology.
Deputy warden (Current)MIT College of Agriculture and Technology.
Co – Editor MIT College of Agriculture and Technology.
Chair Person Sexual harassment MIT College of Agriculture and Technology.
Year Co-ordinator Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College. Kalavai
Residential Tutor Mother Theresa hostel, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
Research Experience
A Cumulative Experience of 5 Years and four months
Research AssociateSub-Mission on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine (SMPPQ) scheme.
Senior Research Fellow "Indo- Swiss Cassava Network Project"
Junior Research FellowNeutralizing High RSC alkali water, Survey of coconut root wilt disease in different districts, 100 crore project and Pesticide residue analysis in fruits and vegetable crops
Academic Experience
A Cumulative experience of 3 Years and 9 months
Crop pests and their management (2+1).AEN - A21
Introductory Nematology (1+1).ANM - 201
Commercial bee keeping (2+1)AEN 503
General and Economic Entomology (2+1).AEN X11
Crop pests and their management (1+2).AEN A21
Livestock and poultry production technology (2+1). AMP –X11
Crop and stored pests management (2+1) AEN 301
Fundamentals of Entomology (2+1).AEN 201
Management of beneficial and harmful insect (2+1)AEN 202
Introductory Nematology (0+1)ANM 201
Pests of field crops and stored products and their management (1+1)AEN 301
Research Articles (in international journals) : 06
Research Articles (in National journals) : 25
Popular articles (in Magazines) : 70
Books Published
Cassava – A Complete guide ISBN : 978-93-87084-00-1 (2017) A. E. Publications, P.N. Pudur, Coimbatore-41.
Insects colour chart. ISBN: 978-938-707-205-3 (2017). AkiNik Publications, Delhi-110085, India.
A Steer on crop pests executive ISBN: 978-938-707-2060 (2017) AkiNik Publications, Delhi-110085, India
Books Chapters
Histological changes on Jasminum auriculatum feeding Jasmine Eriophyid mite, Aceria jasmine Chan. National Conference on Ascertaining food security through livelihood enriching interventions: challenges and opportunities Held on 4-6 Sep, 2019 at Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Karaikal. ISBN : 978-93-84446-89
Effect of temperature on the development, reproduction and mortality of the sweetpotato weevil Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) (Coleoptera; Apionidae). 3rd Agricultural Graduate Students Conference on “Impact of climate risks on Agricultural and Horticultural Productivity” Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. ISBN: 978-93-83799-21-3. Pp. 28-32.
Impact of meterological factors on seasonal incidence of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Lecucinodes orbonalis Guenee. 3rd Agricultural Graduate Students Conference on “Impact of climate risks on Agricultural and Horticultural Productivity” -Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. ISBN: 978-93-83799-21-3. Pp. 33-37.
Eco-friendly pest management practices for leaf curl complex of Chili (capsicum annuum l.). National seminar on Eco-friendly farming practices for food security. ISBN: 978-93-8539, Pp: 82-86
Awards & Accolades
Swami Vivekanandar Award 2014 Bharathi Yuva Kendra Foundation
Post Graduate Fellowship award - 2009 Government of Puducherry
Young woman scientist award. -2019Dr. B. Vasantharaj David Foundation Awards.
Best article award 2020Agriculture and food magazine
Best article award 2021Agriculture and food magazine
Membership in Scientific Bodies
Society for Biocontrol Advancement. Life membership
Entomological Society of India Life membership
Association for Advancement of pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems (AAPMHE). Life membership
Society for advancement of science and rural development. Life member
Society of biotechnology Life member
Society of Agricultural Research and Social Development Life member
Uzhavarin valarum velanmai Life member
Additional Information
Ninety three scientific articles were reviewed as reviewer in different peer reviewed scientific journals.Â
Editor in two peer reviewed scientific journals.
Seven radio talks were broadcasted in All India Radio (AIR) at Karaikal, Trichirapalli and TNAU community radio at Coimbatore.
Thirteen farmers farm school was attended as resource person in different scheme at different places. (ATMA, TNIAMP, kisan gosthi, FSN Scheme).Â